Sunday, June 30, 2013

NCC Team Project

Managing Technologies: Nassau Community College
Shantell Cameron, Jacqueline Perkins, Karen Preston, Darla Ratliff, Lisa Sequera
AET 531
June 30, 2013
Danene Mims

Nassau Community College is two-year college, and is part of the State University of New York system. NCC caters to students of all ages and diversities. NCC provides continuing education, professional programs, distance education, on-ground classes, and is located in the middle of Long Island (Nassau Community College, 2013). Team C has been asked to evaluate the technology NCC uses for adult education and training.  The evaluation consists of the current technologies used, the management of these technologies, Internet connection, and Web 2.0 tools.  The evaluation is needed to assess and improve communication between students and instructors creating a facility using the latest technology for engaged-leaning.

Technology Currently in Use at Nassau Community College
Nassau Community College (NCC) has incorporated a variety of technological tools into its online learning program. Students interface using Blackboard Learn 9, the most current version of the Blackboard classroom programs available (Nassau Community College, 2013). Within Blackboard, students are able to organize all of their academic information in one place. Students have the capability to take tests online, although currently, students must come to campus for exams under a proctor’s supervision, check grades, access labs, create and participate in blogs, discussion boards, and create wiki pages. Blackboard software facilitates collaborative work with these tools and keeps students connected to each other and the instructor (Blackboard, 2013). Communication between the college and students occurs through email. NCC offers several options for students to choose from to best fit their needs and schedules. At NCC, students may participate in Hybrid courses that combine face-to-face instruction with online learning, telecourses that include various options to access video content including on-site viewing, checkout for viewing at home, video rental, or video on demand online. In addition, NCC utilizes podcasts to allow students to retrieve information previously recorded for asynchronous access (Nassau Community College, 2013). Finally, students can link their Blackboard accounts to Facebook or Twitter through a Blackboard profile. This feature is separate from the student’s Blackboard account.

Management of technologies
Registration - using the normal registration process, which is based on earned credits and gives students with more credits the opportunity to select courses before students with fewer credits.
Students should register as soon as they are allowed because course availability will become restricted.

Access of course:

  • Students will need a computer which has a connection to the Internet
  • Computer must be a PC or a Macintosh
  • Telecourse students may need access to video and/or audio playback devices
  • Access to audiovisual devices and computers is available
  • Online course conducted:
  • Email
  • Log in information
  • Blackboard Learn 9 provision for instructor
  • Features would include discussion boards, chatrooms, web links, and assignment and assessment tools.
Web 2.0 Tools
Nassau Community College wants to make distance learning as convenient as possible. Therefore, they have incorporated very user-friendly platforms within the online learning environment. To ensure that Nassau College provides distant learning in a user-friendly format it has partnered up with ION (Illinois Online Network), to provide an integrated use of advance technology called Course Management System (CSM), which comes in form of both Blackboard and Moodle.

Minimum Hardware/ Software Requirements
-Antivirus Software
-Adobe Acrobat
-Flash player (such as Shockwave)
-Web Browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Oprea)
-Word processing system:  Saves files in Rich Text Format (Nassau Community College, 2013).

Students need to have access to the minimum hardware and software requirements that are stated above. Not having access to the above requirements can cause students not to be able to access Moodle, the online classroom or might not be able to communicate correctly. Students must have a basic knowledge of understanding computer basics and feel comfortable navigating online. 

Upgrade or Changes for Technology Integration Improvement for Adult Learners
Nassau Community College offers many program software and web 2.0 technologies to its online students. However, just like any other organization, there is always room for improvement. To decipher the areas of improvement, two interviews were conducted.  Both interviews were with students who currently attend this college's online program. The first student named Alexis Robinson is studying English; the second student Cheryl Scott is in the beginning nursing program. When questioning each student about upgrades or changes, both came up with the same ideas. These ideas are to include options of webcasts or some form of real-time chat between teachers and students, and to provide the test online instead of in a face-to-face environment.

Providing real-time programs such as webcasts as an option for students caters to individuals who are visual learners. When interviewing both Alexis, and Cheryl, they both mentioned how it would be nice to receive faster feedback from their instructors. Presently, the only way to receive feedback is either through e-mail, or blackboard. Although this is great, they are both students who enjoy being in interactive environments. Alexis stated " I love the online program, however, I would feel a lot better as a student if I can actually see my professor through a webcam. I think class would be more interesting if students and  teachers were able to communicate at the same time, at some point in the week" (A. Robinson, personal communication, June 27, 2013). She also mentioned listening to audio recordings can hinder her learning because they become boring and monotonous. She does love the idea of retrieving a lesson at her leisure; however, she also believes lessons in real-time will improve integration for adult learners with busy lifestyles.

Nassau Community College only offers proctor exams in a face-to-face setting. This can become a problem for those adult learners who are always on the move. During the interview with Cheryl Scott, she mentioned, the on campus exams are very time consuming. Although the college offers different time slots, it is very difficult for her  because her work hours have little flexibility. One of the upgrades or improvements that will benefit Nassau's online program is to create a program that is designed to provide timed online exams. This option will be provided for those students who have hectic  schedules. During the interview, Cheryl stated "It would be so much easier if I was able to take my exams online. I understand the concept behind proctored examinations, but it hard for students with little flexibility in their schedules. The only upgrade I would really love, besides real-time sessions is timed online examinations" (C. Scott, Personal Interview, June 28, 2013). The timed examinations can be an option to replace the proctored examinations. The school can give the student a specific amount of time to complete the examination once they began. Timing the exam or test makes it possible to judge the students knowledge without showing up for a proctor exam (Littlefield, 2013, para 3). The student is only given a certain amount of time to complete the exam, therefore, there would not be enough time to cheat or open a text book. This will prevent conflicts with trying to schedule a face-to-face exam. At the same time, it will put instructors minds at ease about possible cheating.

These interviews has given Team C the opportunity to deeper examine the upgrades needed in Nassau Community College's online program. The two upgrades mentioned above (real-time sessions, and timed online exams) are beneficial to improving the attitude and academics of the school's adult learners. Making these changes will not only benefit the school, they would benefit and cater to differentiation in instruction as well.


Blackboard. (2013). Quick tutorials library: Blackboard learn release 9.1 on demand learning center for   students. Retrieved from Littlefield, Jamie. (2013). 

Littlefield, J. (2013). Online College Testing Requirements. Retrieved from

Nassau Community College (2013). Retrieved from

Nassau Community College (2013). What you can expect in an online class. Retrieved from

Robinson, A. (2013, June 27). Personal Interview.

Scott, C. (2013, June 28). Personal Interview.

Lisa's Responsibilities:
I will be responsible for providing information on how Web 2.0 tools and resources will be available for students taking classes online. I will also be responsible for providing information in regards to what the minimum hardware and software requirements are.

Web 2.0 Tools
Nassau Community College wants to make distance learning as convenient as possible. Therefore, they  have incorporated very user friendly platforms within the online learning environment. To ensure that Nassau College provides distant learning in a user friendly format it has partnered up with ION (Illinois Online Network), to provide an integrated use of advance technology called Course Management System (CSM), which comes in form of both Blackboard and Moodle.
Minimum Hardware/ Software Requirements
-Antivirus Software
-Adobe Acrobat
-Flash player (such as Shockwave)
-Web Browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Oprea)
-Word processing system that has the ability to save files in RTF (Rich Text Format)
Students need to have access to the minimum hardware and software requirements that are stated above. Not having access to the above requirements can cause students not to be able to access Moodle, the online classroom or might not be able to communicate correctly. Students must have a basic knowledge of understanding computer basics and feel comfortable navigating online.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Upgrade or Changes for Technology Integration Improvement for Adult Learners,

Nassau Community College offers many program software and web 2.0 technologies to its online students. However, just like any other organization, there is always room for improvement. To decipher the areas of improvement, two interviews were conducted.  Both interviews were with students who currently attend this college's online program. The first student named Alexis Robinson is studying English; the second student Cheryl Scott is in the beginning nursing program. When questioning each student about upgrades or changes, both came up with the same ideas. These ideas are to include options of webcasts or some form of real-time chat between teachers and students, and to provide the test online instead of in a face-to-face environment.

Providing real-time programs such as webcasts as an option for students caters to individuals who are visual learners. When interviewing both Alexis, and Cheryl, they both mentioned how it would be nice to receive faster feedback from their instructors. Presently, the only way to receive feedback is either through e-mail, or blackboard. Although this is great, they are both students who enjoy being in interactive environments. Alexis stated " I love the online program, however, I would feel a lot better as a student if I can actually see my professor through a webcam. I think class would be more interesting if students and  teachers were able to communicate at the same time, at some point in the week" (A. Robinson, personal communication, June 27, 2013). She also mentioned listening to audio recordings can hinder her learning because they become boring and monotonous. She does love the idea of retrieving a lesson at her leisure; however, she also believes lessons in real-time will improve integration for adult learners with busy lifestyles.

Nassau Community College only offers proctor exams in a face-to-face setting. This can become a problem for those adult learners who are always on the move. During the interview with Cheryl Scott, she mentioned, the on campus exams are very time consuming. Although the college offers different time slots, it is very difficult for her  because her work hours have little flexibility. One of the upgrades or improvements that will benefit Nassau's online program is to create a program that is designed to provide timed online exams. This option will be provided for those students who have hectic  schedules. During the interview, Cheryl stated "It would be so much easier if I was able to take my exams online. I understand the concept behind proctored examinations, but it hard for students with little flexibility in their schedules. The only upgrade I would really love, besides real-time sessions is timed online examinations" (C. Scott, Personal Interview, June 28, 2013). The timed examinations can be an option to replace the proctored examinations. The school can give the student a specific amount of time to complete the examination once they began. Timing the exam or test makes it possible to judge the students knowledge without showing up for a proctor exam (Littlefield, 2013, para 3). The student is only given a certain amount of time to complete the exam, therefore, there would not be enough time to cheat or open a text book. This will prevent conflicts with trying to schedule a face-to-face exam. At the same time, it will put instructors minds at ease about possible cheating.

These interviews has given Team C the opportunity to deeper examine the upgrades needed in Nassau Community College's online program. The two upgrades mentioned above (real-time sessions, and timed online exams) are beneficial to improving the attitude and academics of the school's adult learners. Making these changes will not only benefit the school, they would benefit and cater to differentiation in instruction as well.


Littlefield, Jamie. (2013). Online College Testing Requirements. Retrieved from

Robinson, A. (2013, June 27). Personal Interview.

Scott, C. (2013, June 28). Personal Interview.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Technologies Currently In use

Karen posted some of these in another post. To help keep organized, I suggest starting separate posts for each area we are addressing may help. I took notes on scratch paper at the beach but can't seem to find where I put them at the moment. It's now almost 11 so I will add what I found in the morning. In the meantime, feel free to add to this post whatever you have come up with. Once we brainstorm the list, I will compile it and present for our final draft. Sound good? Blackboard 9 Discussion boards Chat rooms Tech support through SUNY

Team Member responsibilities.

We need to determine what we each should be working toward. I will continue to work on the blog presentation. I'll start a new post for ideas and suggestions. I will also look for information through the college we have chosen and offer ideas and information regarding the technology they use. Let me know what else I should be working on. Thanks

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

checking in

checking in.. Lisa You have been upgraded to admin Lisa. That should be everyone! Darla